Sunday, March 29, 2020

Chemistry Pickup Lines Can Get Your Chemistry Teacher Back Into Your Life

Chemistry Pickup Lines Can Get Your Chemistry Teacher Back Into Your LifeIf you're looking for a fun and spontaneous way to get your chemistry teacher back into your life, you'll want to consider some chemistry pickup lines. These are words or phrases that will get your chemistry teacher's attention when he sees you out of class. If he can't seem to focus on you, he'll immediately turn your interest to the topic of your choice.You should keep in mind that your chemistry teacher will think that you're an unattractive classmate who's desperately trying to get his attention. He won't be able to handle your cute smile or great attitude, so your chemistry teacher pick you. The best way to make him see that he has to look at you is to offer up some of these chemistry pickup lines to him.'Sorry about the tardiness, but I just finished getting ready for a test.' This line of text can get your chemistry teacher's attention as soon as he hears it. He'll likely think you're looking for his help . If you're going to ask him for a test, you might as well let him know this so he's not in the dark.'Do you think it's worth spending another week in the lab? It's been four weeks since you started studying.' Now that you've hit his emotions, he'll be more receptive to the subject of your choice. Let him know that you've never worked with a deadline before, and that you've tried to get out of the lab a couple of times, but nothing happened.'It's a very fun thing to try out; let's see how it works out.' If you've had trouble getting into a relationship or leaving a last minute date, try this line and see if it does anything for you. While he'll be less interested in your emotions, he'll be more interested in what your chemistry professor says.'It's a good thing I made an early entrance; I was late for my psychology class. I hope you don't mind!' If you've had to stick with a history class even though you weren't feeling up to it, be sure to point out that this doesn't happen with ph ysics, chemistry, or English.Make your chemistry teacher laugh, and his class will be more open to the subject of your choice. There's no limit to the topics that chemistry pickup lines can cover, but don't limit yourself either.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Resources to Organize as a High School Freshman

5 Resources to Organize as a High School Freshman Tips from an Irvine Back-to-School Tutor: 5 Resources to Organize as a High School Freshman Organization is one of the keys to being successful during the first year of high school. During middle school, students are organized by their classroom teacher and parent but, in high school, they will be expected to take on a more independent approach. A 9th-grade teacher will encourage students to ask questions if they are confused or need clarification as opposed to asking each student if they understand the assignment. Students will be expected to do more homework and study for more challenging exams during the 9th grade as well. Once students get off track, it can get very difficult to reorganize, and they may feel overwhelmed and behind for the remainder of the year. As a result, prevention is the best cure when it comes to high school level organization. 1. A Weekly Schedule It’s important for high school freshmen to take a look at their weekly schedule and make sure they have enough free time to complete all of their self-studies. They will have classes from around 7:30 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon and should expect to spend at least a couple hours at home completing assignments. Students are not yet old enough to work, but they may be participating in sports or other after school activities that take up a lot of their time. Students should also leave time to schedule in working with a tutor if they need help in a particular subject (READ: 4 Ways to Adjust to Back to School). 2. A Reasonable Number of Extracurricular Activities Elementary and middle school children often have a large number of extracurricular activities to keep them busy in the afternoon. After students start high school, they will need quite a bit of time to manage their homework assignments. As a result, its a good idea to set a reasonable number of extracurricular activities that still allow students time to work on the self study. Some sports leagues meet a couple of times a week while others meet every day after school. Students may be in art, music, and ballet classes in middle school but should pick their favorite as they adjust to their first year of high school. Each student is an individual, so its important they think about what works for them and their goals. 3. Reorganizing During Break Holiday breaks are a great time for students to sit down and reorganize. Backpacks and study desks can overflow with out-of-date assignments and crumpled up pieces of paper. It’s a good idea for students to sit down with their parents or with an Irvine private tutor during a break and make sure they have only what they need. Old assignments should not be thrown away but rather filed into a drawer where they can access it later if they need to study for the final exam. Basic reorganization a few times a year is essential to maintaining a successful high school career. 4. Academic Support Many students will need academic support during their first year of high school due to the increased amount of difficulty. Basic science is now chemistry and English, and language arts is now 18th-century poetry. These more complicated subtopics can be confusing and difficult to a new student. Thus, the organization often falls by the wayside and students need help both with their assignments and staying on top of things. 5. Breaking up Assignments Into Smaller Parts Another way students can stay organized is to break larger assignments into smaller parts. For instance, perhaps a research paper is due two weeks from today. That means it will probably take students a week and a half to two weeks to complete it. Its important to break up the assignment into smaller parts such as writing an outline tomorrow, conducting initial research on Saturday afternoon, and writing the final draft three days before the due date. Students who can organize the timeframe of their assignments are more likely to be successful because they will have extra time to fix mistakes when necessary (READ: 4 Reasons to Multitask While Studying). The best way to get back into the swing of school is with the help of a private Irvine Tutor from TutorNerds. Our tutors work with your busy schedule. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Graduation Not For The 20%

Graduation Not For The 20% For the past several years we as a nation have seen the lowest graduation rates in a decade. The interest of blame has been presented to the American public in the areas of unqualified teachers and even a technological society that pushes student’s attention from education. No matter the true cause, graduation rates are low. Legislation such as No Child Left Behind was created to help bolster the potential for students to graduate. That act had its first graduating class in 2005 and the nation reported just below 80%. In the few years after that great success, the national average fell below 75%. In the past few years teacher moral is at its lowest point and students are continuing to slip. With new statistics about education coming in each day, our educational system has become an increasing concern. Currently, the national average is eight out of every ten children will graduate from high school. Unfortunately schools have taken comfort with this rate and that number has been consistent for several years now. Schools believe that the closer to 80% they get, it’s a success. But what about those two out of ten that don’t make it? Where are they? I have spent many years looking at our local educational system and what we can do to improve it. The cold hard fact is that getting all students to succeed is difficult. Schools simply cannot afford to help those few that fall behind. Special programs and even special schools implement programs to try and close that 20% gap. I’m sure most of you have noticed lately that our states struggle with funding public schools. To me this means that those students that should be helped definitely won’t be helped with lack of funding. As with any call to action we must start small. This means dedicating time to some of those youth that the system may have forgotten about. I can honestly say that if someone were to dedicate one hour a week to help tutor or mentor a struggling youth that they would have a nearly perfect chance to succeed. Many times it takes listening to someone who is struggling for the student to figure out what path to be on. I have had the pleasure to work with youth that struggle in school for many years. What I have found more times than not is that they are simply confused about school or life or perhaps the future. Often these students are very smart and capable, but they have not had anyone ask to help. So to help continue to extinguish this problem we need to simply dedicate the time to ask “what can I do to help?”.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

italki Language Challenge

italki Language Challenge The 2016 New Year Language Challenged has come to a close, and the experience was and inspiring and productive one. This has been by far the largest language challenge in the history of italki, and we are deeply grateful to our students and teachers for inspiring us with your passion for language learning. Thousands of italki learners have completed tens of thousands of hours of lessons, and the language challenge videos that you have submitted are truly inspiring! As many of you noticed, we have changed the format of the challenge, adding intermediate rewards, while also making entry into the challenge free. Among these intermediate rewards was the chance to win $500 towards a trip to a destination of your choice. We’re very excited to congratulate Cyd, a student of French from the UK! As is italki tradition, several of our own team members have participated in the challenge. Check out the after video of our very own designer, Andrey, who has taken more than 30 lessons in Portuguese, to prepare for his visit to Brazil. Congratulations, Andrey, on becoming a language Captain! Thank you very much. We are already looking forward to the next one! italki Language Challenge The 2016 New Year Language Challenged has come to a close, and the experience was and inspiring and productive one. This has been by far the largest language challenge in the history of italki, and we are deeply grateful to our students and teachers for inspiring us with your passion for language learning. Thousands of italki learners have completed tens of thousands of hours of lessons, and the language challenge videos that you have submitted are truly inspiring! As many of you noticed, we have changed the format of the challenge, adding intermediate rewards, while also making entry into the challenge free. Among these intermediate rewards was the chance to win $500 towards a trip to a destination of your choice. We’re very excited to congratulate Cyd, a student of French from the UK! As is italki tradition, several of our own team members have participated in the challenge. Check out the after video of our very own designer, Andrey, who has taken more than 30 lessons in Portuguese, to prepare for his visit to Brazil. Congratulations, Andrey, on becoming a language Captain! Thank you very much. We are already looking forward to the next one!

Salts Definition

Salts DefinitionThere are several types of salts. In terms of the meaning of salts, they are salts that have a molecular structure that is similar to liquid. These substances are found in nature and can be produced artificially by means of catalysts. The first and oldest type of salt is magnesia.Magnesia is a product of mining. It is made of iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. To get the magnesia, the ore is taken to the surface, where it is oxidized by fire. Once oxidized, it changes from its solid to a liquid, which can then be crushed to extract the powder. This type of salt is commonly used for making marbles.The aqueous form of lithium hydroxide is commonly used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, or other forms of batteries such as rechargeable batteries. These batteries are rechargeable, because the production of them is limited by the supply of lithium. Aqueous batteries also have the advantage of being easy to store, since they do not need a large area t o hold them, since they easily retain their shape when stored.Another aqueous salt is zeolite. This aqueous form of salt is often used in food manufacturing. The word 'zeolite' was coined by Dr. Sidney Overstreet, a microbiologist from Cornell University. Zeolite is formed by the chemical reaction of metals with oxygen, and is the most common form of glass that is used in roofing.Zeolite is also used in the field of medical science. It is a highly sought after compound in the field of cancer research, because it acts as a prophylactic against many cancerous diseases. Aqueous form of zeolite is also used in dental and orthodontic equipment, and in the treatment of diseases caused by calcium and sodium deposits in the bone and teeth.Aqueous salt is used for many purposes, such as cleaning, as an antibacterial agent, as a dry ingredient, as a lubricant, and as a cleaning agent. Some of the salts, particularly those that contain oxygen, are used to make magnets. Several of the salts are used in the manufacturing of fuels and in the processing of raw materials such as chemicals.

Base (Chemistry) Equals Hydrodynamics

Base (Chemistry) Equals HydrodynamicsEveryone is familiar with the popular saying 'base (chemistry) equals hydrodynamics.' But few of us have thought about what it means. Base is also known as alkali, base or alkaline, and it is a basic element, a constituent in many chemical reactions.Some bass are more soluble than others, and most are found in nature, not usually in very large amounts. Although a few substances like sodium are naturally found in trace amounts, they don't usually cause problems. One exception is mercury, which has a very different chemical makeup than most other metals.Base can also be corrosive, and some commonly used chemicals are not as stable as they appear. You can find some bases that are soluble in water and may add a little bit of clarity to our lives, but there are also bases that will dissolve in water completely. We shouldn't underestimate the corrosiveness of many commercial products.But what does base actually do? To answer this question we need to kno w about what the word 'base' actually means. Atoms can exist as both ionic and covalent forms, so they may take the same electron to make both ions and electrons in various reactions.In a covalent form, an atom's electron is attached to both an additional electron and an ion. An ion is a charge-free positively charged molecule, with one or more electrons. This gives a molecule 'an electrical charge' that is measurable, and that makes them useful for certain applications. One of these applications is as a signaling chemical, because of its use as a radio signaler.The more stable in a covalent state, the more stable an atom is when in the same chemical equilibrium as the other elements in the periodic table.A covalent is always going to be slightly less volatile than the other elements, because it cannot participate in the reaction itself. The difference between ionic and covalent forms of an atom is called the Lewis number, and it's used in calculating the reactivity of a system.In a n ionic form, there is no interaction between the atoms, so the reactivity is calculated differently. A balanced system is more reactive with a covalent atom compared to an ionic one, because an ionic system is somewhat more inert and does not participate in the chemical reactions.

4 Things to Consider when Restarting A Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Things to Consider when Restarting A Career - Introvert Whisperer 4 Things to Consider when Restarting A Career In the current economic realities, we all now know people with work gaps.  People by the 1000’s have been laid off and are still searching for jobs after 1 or 2 years.  It’s an issue, but it doesn’t have the hiring stigma it once did.  Now try to imagine not working for the past 10 or 15 years.  That’s not a work gap.  That a career restart, if in fact it’s not simply a career launch. This situation happens most frequently with women who have delayed their career to start and raise a family.  However, this is not the sole domain of women, as I have known of men who have had to take years off for raising a family or caring for aging parents.  If you are in this position of restarting or launching a career in your middle years, I know you are concerned about your prospects.  There are real issues; and some real thought that you have to put into plotting out your career. Here are the issues and solutions for you to consider: Not knowing what you would do.  This is a problem for most people launching a career.  It’s just that now you have a few more considerations in life that you didn’t previously have.  You may have children demands, mortgages and location restrictions to add into the decision. Solution:  Please don’t launch a job search without getting clear about your career.  You will have a muddled mess; you won’t like the results.  Review the next points on the issues you have to consider.  Just know that you have work to do to figure out your career direction; you will need some time and resources to get yourself prepared. Education is dated.  For many people who launch a career following college, there comes a point where the experience outweighs the value of your education.  The experience is more specific, current and relevant.  What you learned in college, while good, has a shelf life.  If you obtained a degree and haven’t amassed much, if any, work experience, you have a job search problem. Solution: Depending on what career you have selected, you will most likely need to go back to school.  I would spend time with a college advisor to discuss the best course of action.  If you are starting a business, this issue goes away.  You don’t need a degree or a “fresh” degree to start a business.  But for most employment, you may be considering, unless pursuing unskilled labor, you will have to bolster your education. Work is dated.  Similar to the education, the relevancy of work gets dated as well.  To help make this point: The general guideline for how much work history you put on a resume is to stop somewhere around 15 years.  If you haven’t been employed for over 10 years, much has changed and is not going to impress prospective employers. It’s almost like not having any experience. Solution:  Volunteer.  I know I sound like a broken record about volunteering, but it’s the one true untapped resource for a job seeker.  There is everything a standard business would have in a non-profit, only they can’t pay for many of those functions.  If you’re willing to speak with a non-profit group about their needs and your career direction, you may find yourself able to learn something new. It will also be immensely helpful to the non-profit group.  This work experience is up to date and good for your resume.  A second solution is to seek temp work doing something in or close to your new career. Restart is hard.  Everyone I have seen in this situation finds it daunting and difficult to shift gears.  It is a change in lifestyle, as well as a personal change.  There is nothing that will go untouched when restarting a career. Solution:  Don’t try to tackle the elephant!  Create a plan for making a decision.  Then execute on those things to arrive at a good career decision.  Next create a preparation plan, whether it is getting another degree, certification, degree refresh or whatever.  This will be the first point where you will start making bigger changes in your life, so list those in your prep plan.  Most likely you will start to have a routine schedule you will need to work around.  Many people facing this change try to wrap their arms around all of the parts at once.  Break your actions down into manageable parts. When faced with restarting a career, the best attitude to take is that you are starting a journey.  There will be many steps along the way, a few curves and bumps, but the scenery will be great.  You will arrive at your new career at a time that is perfect for you. Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Fun Chemistry Experiments For Kids

Fun Chemistry Experiments For Kids Make Science Topics For Kids Come Alive ChaptersWhy Chemistry Sets For Kids Are So BeneficialFun Chemistry Experiments Are Easy To FindDon’t Be Afraid To Ask For HelpChemistry, alongside other subjects within the realm of maths or science, often has a bad reputation as being a particularly tricky subject to learn and master.Despite this reputation, the fact is that chemistry isn’t as difficult to learn as some people may think, and in reality, the subject is just as approachable as any other subject, whether that’s history, art, or politics.One of the best ways to help do away with this stigma surrounding chemistry is to encourage children and pupils to engage with the subject from an early age.If young children, for instance, can develop an interest in chemistry or other scientific subjects such as physics while they are still young, then it would be reasonable to assume that the chances of that child staying interested in a subject such as chemistry as they get older would be greater than a child who had no interac tion or interest in the subject when they were younger.This article looks at ways in which chemistry can be made more fun and engaging for children, specifically, through the use of experiments. Experiments are a great way to engage the interest of children as they can be undertaken either at home or at school, and can really improve the “fun factor” of any chemistry lesson.Here is all you may want to know about A level chemistry tuition.If you're looking at different types of chemistry sets for kids, always try to think about the safety aspects as well. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, ElasticComputeFarm, Pixabay)Safety FirstBefore carrying out any experiments yourself, either on your own or with children, it’s important to remember that experiments should always be conducted in a safe way.Although any safety concerns would likely have been thought and taken care of when it comes to chemistry or other science experiments performed during school hours in a classroom, it’s equally imp ortant to ensure that any experiments conducted at home are also safe.Ways to help ensure a safe environment for an experiment to be carried out include, but aren’t limited to, thinking about the following:The age range of the children performing the experiment; younger children often require more supervision when it comes to tasks such as measuring liquids;The types of materials required to conduct the experiment, and whether those materials are considered safe for children or adults to handle or be near (highly reactive experiments, for example, might not be the best idea); andWhether sufficient space and ventilation are available at home for the experiment to be carried out.A good example of considering safety during science experiments and science activities would be the fact that when you conduct the Mentos and Diet Coke rocket/volcano experiment (outlined below) you should perform it outside, as it is much safer, not to mention cleaner, to see the bubbles produced by that ex periment fly up into the air rather than around an enclosed space.Seeing or performing fun science experiments help challenge the notion that the sciences are “boring” subjects, as the experiments are usually quite fun to perform while also being interactive.Chemistry sets can also be a great way for your child to try out a science fair project if they are planning on attending a science fair and provide an environment that encourages kids science experiments to be carried out.With that in mind, let’s take a look below at some chemistry experiments that are easy and fun to perform.There are lots of different chemistry sets for kids out there - you could even make your own. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, bdyczewski, Pixabay)Fun Chemistry Experiments Are Easy To FindChemistry experiments can generally be carried out in a number of different places provided the correct materials, space, and equipment is present. However, two of the most common places where a child might see an experimen t are in the home or at school.Typically, children that are old enough to go to school, particularly those at secondary school, should have seen experiments being carried out as part of their chemistry classes. Younger children, however, may only have come into contact with experiments at home â€" either by watching experiments being performed on TV or via the internet or by conducting their own with the help of a supervising parent or carer.The great thing about learning in the digital age is that there are plenty of different resources that you can tap into if you’d like to find some inspiration when it comes to which experiments you can undertake with your child.Below are just some examples of easy science experiments you could try with your child at home to teach them about various aspects of chemistry. Equally, if you don’t have a chemistry set at home, you could watch videos of people performing these experiments by searching online for that particular experiment and watch ing a demonstration of what unfolds.Erupting Volcano / Mentos VolcanoThe erupting volcano has been a staple chemistry experiment for years, and it’s easy to see why. It doesn’t require many household ingredients to carry out (the primary ingredients being baking soda, vinegar, and some food colouring for the lava) the set-up time is fast, and it helps teach children more about how volcanoes work as well as how chemicals can react with one another.You can find a link with steps on how to complete this experiment here.Another variation of this home science experiment that has proven popular with children is the variation where you put roughly half a packet of Mentos sweets into a large bottle of fizzy drink (usually Diet Coke). The more Mentos you add, the stronger and faster the fizz and reaction.However, there are a few differences in this experiment that it pays to be aware of:The chemical reaction and the resulting bubbles are usually more powerful than what you see in a tradi tional chemical volcano project; andThis experiment is best performed outside â€" a garden or park would be ideal â€" as otherwise expect the room you do the experiment in to get very wet and messy as the chemical reaction occurs very quickly!Sugar CrystalsAnother popular chemistry experiment that highlights the structural properties of crystals is to grow your own sugar crystals, also known as rock candy. This experiment can be performed using ingredients and materials that can be found around the home, so it’s not difficult at all to put together.When forming rock crystals, it’s important to note that the crystals will not form immediately, so a little patience is needed (over the course of a few days or more) before you start seeing the results of your labour.A guide on how to carry out the experiment can be found here.There are lots of fun chemistry experiments that kids can try - such as the homemade volcano. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Julius_Silver, Pixabay)The above experime nts aren't the only ones you can try at home. For example, you might want to make your own invisible ink, play with slime, find out more about static electricity using a balloon or balloons, or learn about sound waves, magnetism, or gravity.There are plenty of cool science experiments and science projects for kids to be found online, with tips and tricks for carrying them out, so don't worry if none of the above experiments particularly appeal to your child's inner scientist.Equally, you can find plenty of fun science experiments for kids away from traditional chemistry sets.For example, baking is a great way to teach simple science principles seen in chemistry, such as melting and boiling points (try and melt a marshmallow, for example). By baking, not only do you get to make something to eat at the end (provided the end product is indeed edible) but you can also help your child participate in simple science experiments with your supervision.Chemistry tuition can also be a great wa y to introduce kids to the wonders of this science!Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For HelpIf you find an experiment that you think your child might be interested to see or would like to try it yourself, but you’re not sure whether you can or should perform that experiment at home, then don’t be afraid to ask a chemistry teacher for some advice about the best way to proceed.It's always better to be on the safe side before making something like slime, or a baking soda and vinegar volcano, for instance, and no-one should mind you asking.If your child is already at school, it might be that the teacher could incorporate that experiment into a lesson so they have hands-on experience with that science experiment. Otherwise, if that’s not possible, or your child isn’t yet studying chemistry at school, then you could also watch a video of someone perform that experiment and discuss what that experiment showed with your child once it has concluded.Equally, if you’d like your child to lear n more about the principles of chemistry, or your child has expressed their own desire to learn more about the subject, then it’s equally viable to reach out to an external party for help when it comes to teaching your child about chemical principles and concepts, especially if you haven’t studied any chemistry yourself for a while.There are websites, such as Superprof, that have a wide network of tutors who are happy to provide one on one, group, workshop, or remote tuition sessions to children and students who are looking for help when it comes to a particular subject.If you enter your postcode on the Superprof site and select chemistry as the subject you would like to find a chemistry tutor for, you’ll be shown how many tutors within your local area that are experienced in providing chemistry tuition, as well as tutors who are happy to provide remote lessons.

5 Tips for Writing Your Medical School Secondary Essays

5 Tips for Writing Your Medical School Secondary Essays The following piece was written by Linda Abraham. Linda has been featured in our Admissions Expert series and is the President and Founder of Your AMCAS applications are done, but the app writing party is far from over. Pretty soon, you hope to be swamped with secondary essays and the writing will need to be picked up again. Each med school will ask you for different information some will just want a check; some will want short answers; some will want essays. And some will want a combo. The following 5 tips will help you get through all of them:1.Timing is everything.You should complete each secondary application within two weeks of receiving it. That being said, please do not rush! Two weeks should be enough time to write persuasive, well-written essays. 2.Prioritize to hit important deadlines.If you have too many secondaries and too little time, then you should prioritize by first completing the secondary applications from your top choice med programs that is, those schools that you are most interested in attending and/or those that will most likely offer you an interview invite. Why bother spending precious time on a school that you dont care much about if itll detract from time spent on one of your top choices? Next, prioritize by the closest deadlines. 3.Research each school.Since you will be writing different essays for each secondary application, youll need to make sure that each of your essays speaks directly to the approach of each individual med school. Youll have an easier time catering each application to each school by knowing as much as possible about the program. Review the schools website and familiarize yourself with the curriculum and mission statement. Then try to incorporate some of that school-specific info into your essays. Why is this so important? The admissions readers are looking to admit students whom the school can help succeed in achieving their goals. They also want applicants who have the skills and motivation to contribute to their program. Write essays to illustrate that match, and youll do a better job of persuading the admissions readers that youre exactly what theyre looking for. 4.State motivations in state school essays.When explaining why you want to attend a particular state school, try and stress reasons that focus on mission, teaching style, goals, etc., rather than just on the schools proximity to home and its cost (though those are also valid reasons). Remember, you want to show why youre a good match youre up against lots of applicants who also want to attend a school close to home with in-state tuition. 5.Share new information about yourself.Your secondary application is an extension of your personal statement even more space for you to introduce your spectacular qualities, talents, and interests to the admissions reader. If you have important information that you couldnt incorporate into your AMCAS application, try and find a way to work it into your secondaries. And dont just repeat whats in the AMCAS. You can update, you can go deeper, and you can add to the AMCAS, but dont paraphrase it. And nowlet the secondary application writing party begin! Visit or find them on Facebook and Twitter. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.